So.. I try to install Tomcat 4b7???
Do I have to build mod_webapp again??? (I have an old kernel version)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pier P. Fumagalli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Configuration

> Roberto B. at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> Rebooted the system? WHY? Can't you just stop-and-restart? I thought
> >> were using Linux (Pier has an uptime of 628 days on one old Linux box
> >> Italy!)
> >
> > I'm more secure that nothing remains in memory.. you know.. I'm new to
> > linux.. I was (I'm) a windows user!!!
> Well, UNIX != Windows... You don't need to reboot...
> > So.. I newly rebooted the system.. before I deleted the log file.
> > Then I have done:
> > kill -HUP [my httpd PID]
> Kewl...
> > apache error log:
> Quoting only the relevant parts...
> > [Tue Aug 21 19:37:37 2001] [notice] SIGHUP received.  Attempting to
> > [Tue Aug 21 19:37:38 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) Debian/GNU
> > configured -- resuming normal operations
> That's cool... It's restarting
> > [Tue Aug 21 19:37:39 2001] [error] Invalid WARP protocol version 0.9
> Whops.. That's your problem... You're using a 4.0b7 module with a 4.0b6
> Tomcat... Easy if you know what to read...
> > I have no more hopes to succeed to configure Tomcat... :((
> You just need to have the right stuff... And consider you're working with
> PRE-ALPHA code (the webapp module has not yet officially been released,
> even in Beta)
> > p.s. Nobody can come to at my office!?!?!?
> You would loose all the fun... :)
>     Pier

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