For Tomcat 3.2.x, just modify your tomcat.bat file to set up the
classpath as you need it. I assume something similar can be done for TC4.


Ju Yan Jery Qin wrote:

>Hi all,
>       I have read this topics but it still can not resolve my problem.  Your 
>suggestion is to copy application related jar files into 
>%YourWebAppPath%/WEB-INFO/lib dirctory. But my application is under development, so 
>whenever I regenerated jar files for  my web app, I have to copy them to that 
>directory again. If under UNIX, you can use symbolic links, but I use Windows 2000 as 
>my server.  So my question is: is there any way to define CLASSPATH variable for my 
>web application independently so that I don't need to copy them again and again.
>       In fact, in my case, I have two web application which are derived from the 
>same base but should be installed independently. So these two web application have 
>many classes with the same package and name. And these classes spreaded in two 
>directory d:\vendor\webapp1 and d:\vendor\webapp2 but not in jar file. So I really 
>need a way to define CLASSPATH in application level instead of copy tons of variable 
>classes into d:\vendor\webapp1\WEB-INFO\classes and 
>d:\vendor\webapp2\WEB-INFO\classes again and again.

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