On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> If ProsumerTestTag is being loaded from the class path, it's being loaded
> by the system class loader.
> If CustomTag is being loaded from the web app, it is being loaded from the
> webapp class loader.
> Classes loaded from the system class loader CANNOT see classes loaded from
> the webapp class loader -- therefore, Tomcat is telling you the truth.
> These restrictions are based on the way class loaders work in Java, so
> there's nothing Tomcat can do about it.
> Note that any of the following should work:
> * Put CustomTag and ProsumerTestTag both on the classpath
> * Put CustomTag and ProsumerTestTag both in the webapp
> * Put CustomTag on the classpath and ProsumerTestTag in the webapp
>   (webapp class loaders can look "up" the class loader hierarchy)

ok - this is highlighting my lack of knowledge on classloaders - so
hopefully I can learn something here.  This is the same thing that causes
an issue with struts:

  using struts, and jboss with embedded tomcat.  if the struts.jar is
  in the jboss/lib/ext (command classpath) then it cannot find form or 
  action classes that are in the web application.

I assume this is due to code along the lines of Class.getClassLoader() -
now what I dont understand is why those lines of code are not
Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() .  would that not solve
both of these problems - it seems to be a more "embeddable" approach,
letting another container (be it jspc, or jboss) control the system.

look forward to hearing thoughts on this.


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