On Tue, 11 Sep 2001, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> Exactly the same issue.  That's why the Struts documentation tells you
> (over and over again :-) to put "struts.jar" *inside* your web app (in
> /WEB-INF/lib) and nowhere else.

oops (o:  should have read the doco... I skipped straight to the archives

thanks for your insights.


> This would solve the problem in a Servlet 2.3 based container, which is
> required to supply the web app class loader when getContextClassLoader()
> is called.  However:
> * Support for this was not required in Servlet 2.2, so you cannot
>   count on it working.  In fact, it won't work in Tomcat 3.2 unless
>   you enable the Jdk12Interceptor described in server.xml.
> * getContextClassLoader() is not supported at all on JDK 1.1 systems.
> > look forward to hearing thoughts on this.
> >
> > cheers
> > dim
> >
> >
> Craig McClanahan

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