Tomcat is very difficult for user to change it's defualt setting...
I want to change the directory of servlet before, but now i already give up.

And I still cant resolve Tomcat cache problem.
Everytime I edit my servlet, I need to restart tomcat to get the latest 
result. I already added "reloadable = true" in server.xml.

I like Jserv more. Why stop develop Jserv ???

> After I installed Tomcat 3.2.3, my servlet directory is C:\Program
> Files\Apache Group\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webapps\examples\WEB-INF\classes.
> Now I want to change it to, or add the directory C:\public_html\myServlets.
> I've tried and tried and I cannot figure this out.  How is this done?
> -Matt

/* Kenny Ma

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