> Hello,
> I've tried out the WebDAV example context provided with Tomcat 4.0, and
> it's very practical and straightforward to use.  I imagine it's built on
> of Jakarta Slide.

Actually, no.

> Nevertheless, I've found both WebDAV and Slide difficult to put into
practice, because:
> - it could create a lot of potential security risks,

Indeed, if you are not careful.

> - I don't understand the mechanism by which webdav URLs map onto real
> resources on the server (how does it find the context's root directory?
> can you replace servlets within WEB-INF?

You can't. It only exposes normal resources. If you look at the
implementation, it actually extends the default servlet (which is
responsible for static page serving and directory browsing pages
generation), so it bahaves the same.

> how are operating system file
> permissions handled when manipulating files on the server?  etc...)

- There's a R/W flag which enable writing on the context
- You are encouraged to restrict access to that context (using the user /
role mechanism provided by the servlet API)

> What I'd like to do is be able to put stuff on-line, do updates, etc.
> WebDAV (instead of Samba, shared network folders, etc.) ; the solution in
> the webdav example context is simple, and it would be nice to integrate it
> with other contexts if possible.

You just have to use the WebdavServlet instead of the DefaultServlet.


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