I cant guarentee that this will work with Access and SQL server, but the
proper way to do what you're trying to do is use a PreparedStatement with
setDate(2, new Date(2001, 1, 1)).  


On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Shah, Chintan V (Chintan) wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is a very off-topic post (as perhaps it has nothing to do with tomcat),
> but I hope people would like to guide me on this..
> I'm using Tomcat 3.2, Apache 1.3.19, Jdk 1.3, Jdbc-Odbc Driver on Win NT
> 4.0.  I want my application to work with both the databases..i.e. with
> Ms-Access 2000 and SQL Server 7.0.
> I completed my whole application with Ms-Access, everything working
> fine..then I tried with SQL Server 7.0...by exporting databases from
> Ms-Access to SQL Server. For most of the parts of my code...which is
> interacting with DBs thru JDBC worked fine...except for some syntactical
> changes... but the major problem is with field types of *DATE*.
> In Ms-Access, the field type is "Date/Time - short date" and in SQL server
> it is "smalldatetime".
> E.g. SQL Stmt : "Select * From <table> WHERE (<dateField> = #2001/01/01#)"
> gives desired results in MS-Access, but when the DB is SQL Server, it gives
> error.
> And the same way, SQL Stmt : "Select * From <table> WHERE (<dateField> =
> '2001/01/01')" gives desired results in SQL Server, but when the DB is
> Ms-Access, it gives syntax error, saying that data types mismatch in
> criteria expression.
> So, how should I deal with these types of things in my code, to make it
> compatible with Ms-Access and SQL Server as well.
> Your guidance will be a great help for me.
> thanks and regards, 
> Chintan.

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