I got my web application to work in tomcat 4.0.1 (Catalina). In Tomcat 4.0.1, the
order of the contents in the web.xml seems to matter (E.g. All <servlet> definition
must be before the <servlet-mapping> etc.). Except for the change in the web.xml,
my war seems to working in Tomcat 4.0.1. This makes me wonder if the feature of
loading the classes from jar files in WEB-INF/lib/ was fully functional in 3.2.3
release at all !!!. Has anyone had any success with this in Tomcat 3.2.3 ?


Abi -

Paul DuBois wrote:

> >The examples that gets shipped with the tomcat.zip file also uses Web-inf !!!!
> Maybe the developers never used anything but Windows boxes
> (case-insensitive file system)?
> >
> >
> >>  I'm new to tomcat but shouldn't it bet WEB-INF?
> >>  isn't it case sensitive?
> >>
> >>  Scott Archer
> >>
> >>
> >>                      Abinesh S
> >>                      Puthenpurackal                To:
> >>                      <abinesh.puthenpurackal       cc:
> >>                      @sdrc.com>                    Subject:
> >>ClassNotFoundException when using war file (Tomcat 3.2.3)
> >>
> >>                      10/31/2001 09:45 AM
> >>                      Please respond to
> >>                      "Tomcat Users List"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  Hi,
> >>
> >>  I am trying to use a war which has some jar files in it for my web
> >>  application in tomcat 3.2.3. The war file is structured as follows
> >>
> >>  WarFile.war
> >>      Web-inf/lib/jarfile1.jar
> >>      Web-inf/lib/jarfile2.jar
> >>      Web-inf/lib/jarfile3.jar
> >>
> >>  When running the application I get ClassNotFoundException for the
> >>  classes in the jar file. Also I noticed that empty directories (that
> >>  follows my package structure) were created under lib directory. E.g. I
> >>  see the following empty directories
> >>
> >>  %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/webapplication/Web-inf/lib/examples/addressbook/.....
> >>
> >>  A workaround is to place the jar files in the tomcat/lib directory. This
> >>  will result in the the jars to be added to the classpath and everything
> >>  works fine.
> >>
> >>  I was wondering if anyone knows about a cleaner solution or point out if
> >>  there is something that I need to do to get this working (perhaps
> >>  something in manifest file or web.xml file etc.).
> >>
> >>  Any help is greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >>  Thanks,
> >>
> >>  Abi -
> >>
> >>  --
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