If you are adding 2.2-D13 xalan.jar in Tomcat 3.2.3, you
will probably need to replace the jaxp.jar and parser.jar
with the v1.4.3 xerces.jar.  For Tomcat 3.3 you could
update the v2.1.0 xalan.jar and replace crimson.jar
with xerces.jar.

If you can use Tomcat 3.3 instead of Tomcat 3.2.3, I
would recommend doing so.  There are classloading issues
that can be addressed in 3.3, which can't in 3.2.x.

I could offer more help if I knew your error and some
simple steps to reproduce your problem.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Bruseker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:52 PM
> Subject: CLASSPATH for web apps - and the answer is?
> Greetings.  I'm new to this list.  Go easy on me.  :-)
> Last Monday, Roland Berger posted a message to this list 
> titled "CLASSPATH
> for web apps" (I found his posting in the web archive at 
> mikal.org).  In his
> email he asks why Tomcat 3.2.3 is not loading up log4j.jar from his
> WEB-INF/lib directory, and comments on how un-Jakarta-like it 
> would be to
> have to hardcode a classpath for ever web app in the startup 
> script.  I am
> having the same problem (the only difference is the jar 
> Tomcat isn't loading
> for me is xalan.jar (from Xalan-J 2.2-D13), not log4j.jar).
> I've tried both 3.2.3 and 3.2.4, with slightly different 
> error message but
> the same basic, bad result.  3.3 failed too, but that's 
> probably because
> TOMCAT_HOME$/lib seems to have much more importance and 
> organization now,
> and I just don't "get it" yet (besides, I'm not really 
> looking to upgrade
> just yet).
> I'm sure whatever the answer to his message was will be the 
> same answer I
> require.  Unfortunately, at this moment the web archive for 
> this list stops
> at November 19th (the day his message was posted), so if 
> there were any
> replies to it, the archive isn't providing them for me.  I 
> really require an
> answer soon (rather than waiting for the archives to get 
> updated) so I can
> move on with my work.  Could someone help me out here?
> Thank you.
> Ian.
> --
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