If my Tomcat-3.2.x hosted webapp is accessed through a browser with cookies
disabled, Tomcat will rewrite URLs in responses, which is OK. However, if
the URL contained in the response contains an achor, say


the rewritten URL will become


instead of


Is this the intended behavior? I guess not, since the browser (IE in this
case) will treat JSESSIONID as part of the anchor, not part of the URL which
has two negative effects:
1. the anchor is not found (less problematic)
2. the JSESSIONID is not sent to the server as part of the URL (problematic
as session is lost).
I don't know if this is issue with 3.3.x and 4.x line of Tomcats.

Anyway, the problem can be easily walked around by only running the part of
the URL before the anchor through the
HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL(), that is using

resp.encodeRedirectURL("bar.html") + "#anchor"

instead of



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