At 03:20 PM 12/13/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At 09:07 PM 12/13/2001 +0100, you wrote:
> >I have a stupid question ?
> >
> >in the JNDI tomcat how to, it says :
> >"
> >The J2EE Platform Specification requires J2EE Application Servers to make
>available a DataSource implementation (that is, a connection pool for JDBC
>connections) for this purpose. Tomcat 4 offers exactly the same support
> >"
> >
> >Do I understand right ?
> >A DataSource retrieve by JNDI in tomcat 4.0.1 is a Pooled Connection ?
> >
> >Christophe
> >
>I've been messing with pooled connections and JNDI this week.  Unless
>Tomcat is different somehow, JNDI won't give you a pooled connection via
>DataSource.  You'll need to get a PooledConnection using a
>ConnectionPoolDataSource as I understand it, and according to the various
>information I've been researching.  See here for info from Sun:

If you have a combined application server and Tomcat, it will return a 
pooled connection, with JNDI from mere connections.  That is the situation 
that was discussed.  They use RAR with JBoss, I believe it is called, which 
is how I get a pool and JNDI from the connection noted in the code.  My 
remarks were a bit of a screw up, really a lot of a screw up, and Mark is 
absolutely right.

-- micael

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