If your WebApp connection is named "tomcat4" ...
     WebAppConnection tomcat4 warp localhost:8008

Then shouldn't your WebAppDeploy statements use "tomcat4" without the "_connect" ?
     WebAppDeploy <application name> <connection name> <URL path>
     WebAppDeploy examples tomcat4 /warp_examples

Also, is "mod_webapp.so" located where Apache can find it? 
    LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so
    (Mine is at /usr/lib/apache/ )

...and  ServerName should be set to something in httpd.conf 


At 02:54 PM 1/20/02 +0700, you wrote:
>After a couple of weeks of really struggling with this, I need to ask
>some really basic questions:
>Tomcat standalone configuration is EZ, quick and works perfectly the
>first time...
>Using mod_webapp is a real mystery...and I'm ready to get up? I really
>have tried a lot of things with little progress of getting the setup
>I have attached the output from WebApp-info which is the only thing that
>I have gotten to respond with any information...Sorry it is HTML because
>that is what webapp-info gives...
>So My Question is:
>Where is mod_webapp supposed to get the "Local Deployment Path"?
>    And if it isn't right where do I set it?
>And if mod_webapp is NOT looking in the server.xml file in my
>$JAKARTA_HOME/config/ directory, where is it looking or how do I set it
>to look elsewhere?
>Before someone says: Read the documentation, PLEASE I HAVE! I have read
>and searched literally for days on the web. I have tried the FAQ at the
>JAKARTA project which send you to the "documentation" which is
>incomplete. I have read 100's and 100's of posts to this group. I tried
>to read the FAQ, which do not yet exist apparently. So I know I'm not
>completely crazy when I ask these questions.
>And for completeness, here is my httpd.conf for a simple localhost.
>                                         LoadModule webapp_module
>                                         AddModule mod_webapp.c
>                                         WebAppConnection tomcat4 warp
>                                         <IfModule mod_webapp.c>
>                                             WebAppDeploy examples
>tomcat4_connect /warp_examples
>                                             WebAppDeploy cocoon
>tomcat4_connect /warp_cocoon
>                                             WebAppDeploy henry
>tomcat4_connect /henry
>                                             WebAppInfo /webapp-info
>                                         </IfModule>
>At this point, I need someone who has succeeded to tell me EXACTLY what
>they have done.
>Thank you,
>Terry J Fundak
>P.S. If I get this working I will write up detailed directions and a lot
>of notes about what not to do. This is what the FAQ's for TOMCAT 4.0 and
>mod_webapp needs at this point.
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