I have done configured virtual host with apache 1.3.22
and tomcat 4.0.1 , on windows 2000 with mod_jk module,
here are the steps, hope it helps

1) Tomcat 4.0 :
- Be carefull to do not install TC4 in a path with
spaces " " !!!!!
otherwise you should use the 8.3 directory names to
configure TC
- In the server/lib subdirectory of TC4 add the
ajp.jar and the
- in the conf subdirectory copy the workers.properties
from a TC 3.2. Edit
it and fill the lines :


with your own configuration.
- Edit the server.xml and add the AJP connector like
this :

<!-- Connector for AJP 1.3 -->
               port="8009" minProcessors="5"
               acceptCount="10" debug="0"
connectionTimeout="0" />

Now the tomcat server is ready

2) Apache
- firstly copy the mod_jk.dll from the TC3 distrib in
the apache modules
- Configure Apache
Contrary to TC3, TC4 do not generate the Apache
configuration. So you should
do it yourself.

At the end of your httpd.conf file you should add (and

# TC 4.0 settings

# The following line instructs Apache to load the jk
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll

JkLogFile "C:/Programs/Tomcat4.0/logs/mod_jk.log"

# Log level to be used by mod_jk
JkLogLevel error

# Root context mounts for Tomcat
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

Then for each Context you had created in tomcat you
should had a paragraph
like this (it's the same thong as in TC3):
Here my context is /pfe
and the directory of the web-app is

# The following line makes apache aware of the
location of the /pfe context
# Alias /pfe "C:/Work/Dev/pfe/stock/gui/dist/pfe-gui"
<Directory "C:/Work/Dev/pfe/stock/gui/dist/pfe-gui">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# The following line mounts all JSP files and the
/servlet/ uri to tomcat #
JkMount /pfe/servlet/* ajp13 JkMount /pfe/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /pfe/*.do

# The following line prohibits users from directly
accessing WEB-INF #
<Location "/pfe/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all
# Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work
unless case matches #
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

# The following line prohibits users from directly
accessing META-INF #
<Location "/pfe/META-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all
# Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work
unless case matches #
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

You can also do the same type of things to deploy the
web-app directly as
the root of apache.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have looked all over the place and I have tried to
> duplicate
> what I did on earlier versions of Tomcat.  But I am
> getting
> anywhere.
> Where is there a doc that tells me how to integrate
> Apache, Tomcat 4 with
> virtual hosts on Unix (Linux).
> Thanks for any help.
> Thanks,
> -Steve
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