> I would like to point out that the virus was sent by members of the
> list.  Would Virus filtering of the list be useful?  Yes.  Would it be
> cost-effective?  No.  (Since Jakarta has no real income to spend on this).

AFAIK, most - if not all, components of a mail virus scanning system are for free. I'm 
using "strong" UNIX variant, but there are counterparts in Java, too.

- Sendmail 8.12.x + libmilter
- AMaViS, using sendmail milter
- Sophos (corporate license)

The last item is certainly not free and I don't believe Sophos would be so nice to 
give it to Jakarta for free, but I hear that Kaspersky AV on Linux has a free variant.

OTOH, I have just recently heard of a Java based virus scanner OpenAntivirus was the 
name, IIRC. It works with the above combination, replacing Sophos.


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