Hello everyone.

I'm new to this mailing List, and hopefully I don't bother anyone asking
questions which have already been answered.

I'm using Tomcat 4.0 standalone on Win2K and Tomcat 3.3 on MPE. I use Tomcat
to run JavaServlets. 

On MPE (it includes an Posix-Shell, behaves similar to Unix), when change
the "web.xml" in the Folder "WEB-INF" Tomcat 3.3 notices this, destroys
every Servlet mentioned in the "web.xml" and if the Servlet gets accessed
again ist is reloaded. Same happens if I only touch the "web.xml". This is
visible becaus of some logging I coded in the init() and the destroy() of
the Servlets.
When do the same on my Win3K machine Tomcat 4.0 does NOT reload the
"web.xml". He does not destroy the classes neither.

Has anyone an Idea how I can tell Tomcat4.0 to reload the "web.xml"? I want
him to read out the up-to-date Information I wrote into the web.xml.

Best regards,
thank you,
Max Wippert

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