
I'm moving from linux to windows  (yeah, yeah I know  :( )

On the linux platform, our web application runs PERFECTLY
but on windows we have problems when the jsp pages are compiled.

appearantly, tomcat doesn't like the following situation.
 file : /PROBLEM/abc.jsp
         <%@ page language="java" import="xxx.*" %>
         <% SomeClass x=new SomeClass();
            // class really exists in package xxx
            // and was compiled with the same compiler.

 it gives following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
Found 2 semantic errors compiling

      SomeClass  x=new SomeClass();
*** Error: The type "SomeClass" was found in package
"XXX". However, that type is associated with another named package,

I guess the compiler gets confused with the cases on windows, because 
he has both an XXX and xxx package in the classpath.

Is this a bug ? or is this 'known/specified behaviour' and what do I
do about it ?



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