> I get the same problem on Win2k with Tomcat 4.0.3 and JDK 1.3.1
> From other posts it looks like Tyrex is not working.....

At least one guy managed to get my combination to work. The fact that he is one of the 
top developers (Craig) might have something to do with it. I'm not saying that he's 
witholding information, just that he is far more expirienced.

Craig, is there anything magical that one should do for PostgreSQL? Is there some way 
to test Tyrex and PostgreSQL separately from Tomcat?

Oh, and BTW, I have another unexpected "feature" in Tomcat. If my JSP page throws 
"UnavailableException" in it's "init()" method, not only does that page become 
unavailable (which was the idea), but the JSP servlet as well (which was not what I 
wanted). That disables ALL JSPs within the context.

Is this supposed to happen? Am I (again) doing something that was not meant to be 


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