Hi Guys,

I would be very grateful if you could let me know when this issue is

(As an aside, this thread has started to sound a tad acrimonious, so lets
all bring it down a notch and remember that we are all working hard and are
(pretty much) on the same team. Tomcat is a great piece of software!)

Looking forward to a resolution....

Cheers - Adam

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikola Milutinovic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 March 2002 07:52
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: JDBC/JNDI problem, continued - PUZZLED

> On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
> > > From other posts it looks like Tyrex is not working.....
> >
> > At least one guy managed to get my combination to work. The fact that he
> > is one of the top developers (Craig) might have something to do with it.
> > I'm not saying that he's witholding information, just that he is far
> > more expirienced.
> >
> I just followed the directions in the JNDI how-to.

I thought you wrote them...

> > Craig, is there anything magical that one should do for PostgreSQL? Is
> > there some way to test Tyrex and PostgreSQL separately from Tomcat?
> >
> Look guys ... nobody on the developer end is withholding information.  If
> people want this to be worked on, ***PLEASE*** provide a bug report with a
> reproducible test case!!!  In the problem at hand, that means a complete
> version of your server.xml, a complete copy of a test webapp (including
> source), a description of what you expect to see, and a description of
> what happens.
> For the "returns null" problem, it should be pretty easy to put something
> like that together.
> Without this, all I can say is "well, it works for me ..."

OK, you asked for it. :-)

I'm sending:

- server.xml (I've changed user/pass for DB connection, they are no good to
you anyway)
- web.xml (I have both JNDI and "manual" connection parameters, the
user/pass is changed)
- test.jsp (a very primitive JNDI browser)

The actual test is displayed below the table that lists JNDI context. If the
"DataSource ds" is null the JSP will display "IT IS NULL" at the bottom.

> > Oh, and BTW, I have another unexpected "feature" in Tomcat. If my JSP
> > page throws "UnavailableException" in it's "init()" method, not only
> > does that page become unavailable (which was the idea), but the JSP
> > servlet as well (which was not what I wanted). That disables ALL JSPs
> > within the context.
> >
> > Is this supposed to happen? Am I (again) doing something that was not
> > meant to be done?
> >
> Doesn't sound right ... please file a bug report
>   http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla

Thanks, I will.


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