
Don't know if you are using windows or Unix but ...

( works nicer in a unix term rather than windows telnet but ..)

easiest way to test this is to fake a web request. So

telnet <hostname> <port>

where hostname is your machine's name or IP address and the port is the port
on which you are running Tomcat.

Then ...

HEAD /<path to word doc / servlet> HTTP/1.0

Before you see lots of garbage you should get what everyone is talking 
about - the headers.

Let us know what the Content-type: header says


Kapasi, Mehjabin wrote:

>Thanks Joel,
>I have been trying what you said. I did not understand what you meant by 
>"Check the http headers you are sending for the download. There's a tool
>forthis floating around somewhere I think. Compare the headers 3.2.1 sends
>with the headers 4.0.1 sends."
>How do I check that?
>Here is the garbage that I get when i try to download the word documen.Sorry
>for the long email but can you help me out here? I am not understanding
>where to start looking for the problem.
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>®!7&ˆph|q4v01vðpŒ{,9B{|qn:ö XN @    Ù  SUBJECT \* MERGEFORMAT
>ClassicsCD Web Shop title \* Mergeformat Vision Version 2.1 Revision
>History DateRevisionDescriptionAuthor20/Oct/20011.0Initial VersionP
>Murphy10/Nov/20012.0Updated based on Requirements WorkshopP
>Murphy15/Nov/20012.1Editorial RevisionsS. Chandler
> Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" 1. Introduction  PAGEREF
>_Toc523131581 \h 1 1.1 Purpose of the Vision Requirements Document (VRD)
> PAGEREF _Toc523131582 \h 1 1.2 Product Overview  PAGEREF _Toc523131583
>\h 1 2. User Description  PAGEREF _Toc523131584 \h 1 2.1 User/Market
>Demographics  PAGEREF _Toc523131585 \h 1 2.2 User Profiles  PAGEREF
>_Toc523131586 \h 1 2.3 User Environment  PAGEREF _Toc523131587 \h 1
>2.4 Key User Needs  PAGEREF _Toc523131588 \h 2 2.5 Alternatives and
>Competition  .......
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joel Rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 9:51 PM
>To: Kapasi, Mehjabin
>Subject: Re: Garbage showing up when trying to download a word doc in TC
>Kapasi, Mehjabin wrote (off list):
>>Subject: RE: Garbage showing up when trying to download a word doc in TC
>Woops. I didn't read the title line well enough. I was thinking of text
>files, which are a real pain to force downloads with.
>(I haven't seen any follow-up on the list, and I have a moment to try to
>respond again.)
>>The problem is i want it to show me the browser dialog instead of the
>>showing garbage on the page. I have tried it on different browsers on
>>different machines and it still gives me the same result. If I try
>>the webapp using Tomcat 3.2.1 using the same browser, the dialog shows up
>>but as soon as I use Tomcat 4.0.1 I get the problem.
>>What else can i do?
>Check the http headers you are sending for the download. There's a tool for
>this floating around somewhere I think. Compare the headers 3.2.1 sends with
>the headers 4.0.1 sends.
>But we would like more information, like a snippet of the code you are using
>to send the .doc files, and a sample of the garbage that gets sent with TC
>4.0.1, and also relevant server settings. Otherwise, we can only jump to
>conclusions (like I did the first time).
>You might also want to check whether you have something set to drop the high
>bit and send only seven bits per octet, but I don't think so.
>I apologize for the slow response. Had some work to do, you know. Anyway,
>give us more information, and _post_ _to_ _the_ _list_. That way, other
>people more qualified than I will be able respond.
>Joel Rees
>Alps Giken Kansai Systems Develoment
>Suita, Osaka
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Joel Rees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:39 PM
>>To: Tomcat Users List
>>Subject: Re: Garbage showing up when trying to download a word doc in TC
>>Kapasi, Mehjabin wrote:
>>>However, when i click on the download icon I get garbage on the page
>>>of a browser dialog giving me options to save/open the document.
>>This is usually a browser settings related problem, not a Tomcat issue..
>>>This problem i am experiencing when running Tomcat 4.0.1 with IIS and
>>>Is this a character encoding problem?
>>You can tweak the encoding in the http header to help this, but there
>>actually is not a good general solution. Ultimately, some users will have
>>use right-click (or ctl-click on Mac) to direct the browser to save the
>>instead of displaying it.
>>>Do i need to encode the Doc URL differently that when I was using TC
>>This is a good question, does anyone know if some defaults for headers
>>changed between versions?
>>Another thing you might want to check is whether the browser settings (or
>>the browsers being used) have been changed.
>>>Where can I find documentation regarding this problem?
>>Check the http specifications from the ietf.
>>I just plugged "http encoding header" into the search field at,
>>and they pointed me to
>>among others.
>>Joel Rees
>>Alps Giken Kansai Systems Develoment
>>Suita, Osaka

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