You need to also set it for


Okay dokay?


At 08:52 PM 3/20/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Could someone please suggest a good online source for getting some detail 
>information on compilation errors with J2sdk1.4.  I am trying to port an 
>application that has been compiled and tested on NT with j2sdkee-1_3_01 
>libraries.  The new system RH7.2 using the new j2sk1.4 whines about not 
>finding "String" class definition with a [JLS 8] stuck to the end of the 
>I'm using javac (haven't the time to learn forte) from command line and 
>have set my classpath to 
>see  j2sk1.4/lib/tools.jar  and  j2sdk1.4/jre/lib/jsse.jar
>thanks in advance for any help and suggestions

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