Here is more additional information. It looks like my
guess might be correct. When I repeated the same exact
tests on a PIII 450mhz, win2K, 512mb RAM with the
following heap settings "-Xms50m -Xmx280m"
Httpconnector out performs the other system with a
faster processor using coyote.

One obvious difference is with 512mb of RAM, it never
hits the disk cache. In fact, it never uses it at all.
Even with 64 concurrent connections.

My guess is the combination of disk cache and limited
memory caused two separate things to occur.

1. disk cache was being used, therefore immediately
performance started degrading.

2. with less memory the heap size was smaller, there
by causing GC to start at a lower threshold. This is
probably why CPU usage increased so rapidly.

With the large heap setting, the CPU usage is more
normal and doesn't fluctuate wildly for most of the
tests. Both conditions together cause the sharp
performance degredation. Once I run these tests again
with JProbe, I will know for sure if that is the

Peter Lin

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