I have asked this question three times in the apache-users forum and not
heard a response.  I know this is a problem related more to Apache than
Tomcat but I'm hoping someone who is running a similar configuration can

I have a Sun Netra X1 Solaris 8 running Apache 1.3.22 w/ mod_ssl,
mod_rewrite, mod_status, mod_jk with Tomcat 3.3.  We are suddenly seeing
processes that have long running "R" states (hours, days, ...) in
server-status.  If I do a server-status?notables I can see a reference to
URL and IP but am not convinced this is the request that is hanging (the log
files don't support what I'm seeing).   The files see to be those that are
not passed back to tomcat (ajp13, load balanced) for the web application
such as .js, .gif and .jpg.  None are zero length and they all have read
permission.  I also don't see anything via netstat that would indicate that
there are other IP's connecting to a port but not sending anything across.

from mod_jk.conf:
JkMount /webstaff/*.jsp lbcon
JkMount /webstaff/servlet/* lbcon
Alias /webstaff /opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.3/webapps/webstaff
<Directory "/opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.3/webapps/webstaff">

In looking at a custom logs w/ User-Agent, PID, IP and URL the problem
references (if the logs are correct) seem to be 98 machines and usually
customized (AOL, COX, MSN ) browsers.   Am I alone in this problem?  Could
this in any way be hardware/os related?  I have not seen this on another
site we have that runs on Dell/RH 7.1 with Apache/Tomcat/JBoss, it has
nowhere near the usage of the server that's encountering these issues.

Help, my forehead is starting to hurt from banging it against the wall.
John Moore

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