First question - with tomcat3.x, are you still using mod_jserv ? If it 
worked before with jserv, it should still work with the exactly same 
apache config and module as before, assuming you have a 'recent' 
mod_jserv ( i.e. 1..2 years old - but I think '99 would work too ).
Just replace the java jserv with tomcat. 

If you use mod_jk - the same apache settings and module will work with 
both tomcat3.x and 4.x. You probably need 

 JkMount *.abc WORKER_NAME
( where WORKER_NAME is typically ajp13 or whatever you define in )


On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Alan Williamson wrote:

> After much buggering around with Tomcat4.0 we could only get it to process
> all files; ie the main ApacheWebServer was taken out of the loop and was not
> even doing the static files such as images etc.  Read somewhere on Google,
> that Tomcat4.0 couldn't do this just yet, but move down to Tomcat3.  To
> which we did.
> Moved down to Tomcat3.0.  Modified the {tomcat}/conf/web.xml and added in
> our mappings ... but this never made a difference.  Our servlet is to load
> at startup and nothing.  It wouldn't load for love'nor'money.  So we moved
> it to {tomcat}/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml and it loaded there with no
> problems.  However still doesn't get hit.
> Here is the relevant section from Apache's httpd.conf:
> --] httpd.conf  --------
> ApJservManual on
> ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
> ApJServSecretKey DISABLED
> ApJServMountCopy on
> ApJServLogLevel info
> ApJservDefaultPort 9007
> AddType text/abc .abc
> AddHandler jserv-servlet .abc
> ApJServLogFile /tmp/mod_jserv.log
> -------------------------
> I have attempted adding [ApServMount / /root] but that doesn't seem to make
> a different, except our ABC files are sent back to us as plain text!
> --] server.xml-----------
> <Host name="">
>   <Context path="" 
>            docBase="/home/webroot/" 
>            reloadable="false" 
>             debug="1" />
> </Host>
> -------------------------
> So ... the question's are:
> Q1. I feel so close ... but no cigar.  What am i missing?
> Q2. Should {tomcat}/conf/web.xml be getting read?
> Q3. How do i setup Tomcat 3 (or 4) so that .abc are processed across all
> VH's and across all directories.
> thank you very much,
> alan
> --
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