Greetings All,

Just when I though everything was sweet I'm having a nasty problem.  I'm running:
Debian Linux, Tomcat 4.0.3, Mysql, Ant, MM JDBC driver.

Basically I've set everything up sweet and when I run a test file from the command 
line (java test.class) I get a connection to the
database no problems.  Unfortunately when I try and do the same thing through a 
servlet loaded onto Tomcat I get grief!!!  See below
I get two errors outputted in the browser window, the second one could be caused by 
the first :-)

If anyway has any ideas about this, please let me know this is a desperate one :-(((

Thanks heaps and heaps,


    try {
        //Registering the MySQL JDBC Driver
        catch (Exception E) {
        out.println("<p>Exception: Created Driver</p>");
        System.err.println("Unable to load driver.");

    try {
        //create variable url containing connecting value
        String url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/weblearn";
        //Create Connection Object from java.sql.*
        Connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "root", "");
        //Exceptions if something went wrong
        catch (SQLException E) {
        out.println("<p>SQL Exception</p>");

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