Simon Stewart wrote:

> Having looked through the mailing list archives, this looks like a
> popular subject, and I think that I've almost got it cracked. Almost.
> After following the advice in 
> I just thought that people might like to know that the location of
> should be ${APACHE2}/lib and not modules. 

For the purest approach, yes, but it really matters not (at least for my 
apache install -- 2.0.35, compiled from source, DSO-style, etc.).  Did 
it actually matter for you (i.e. you got errors when it was in modules 
as opposed to lib)?

> Apache now passes a configtest with just the webapp module (without
> any WebApp* declarations) loaded but when I add the entries:
> LoadModule webapp_module   modules/
> WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
> WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
> (lifted from the default server.xml file) I get:
> root@mite:/usr/local/apache-2# ./bin/apachectl configtest
> Syntax error on line 221 of /usr/local/apache-2/conf/httpd.conf:
> Invalid virtual host name
> Where line 221 refers to the "WebAppDeploy" line. I'm perplexed,
> everything else looks good. Could anyone offer some suggestions,
> please?

And the WebApp* directives themselves were in the main configs and not 
in any VirtualHost subsection?  If in a VirtualHost section, try just 
placing them in the main configs and get rid of the vhost config 
subsection...I found this to work for me.  If it is already in the main 
configs, are their other vhost subsections you already have for other 
things?  Try commenting out all vhost configs and see if it works now. 
Long shot, I know, but...

> FWIW, my system config:
> Debian unstable, linux 2.4.18, JDK 1.4.0, Apache 2.0.35, web app
> compiled from the source suggested in the article above. Tomact 4.0.3,
> too.
> Regards,
> Simon

Jeffrey Bonevich
Ann Arbor, Michigan

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