Excellent point, Georg.  I am a bit rusty on working with C/C++ 
compilation.  Here is my attempt at getting the proper linking in of 

/usr/local/apache2/build/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -shared -o 
mod_webapp.so -rpath /usr/local/apache2/modules -module -avoid-version 
-I../include  -L../lib -dlopen ../lib/libwebapp.la mod_webapp.lo

NOTE that this is the same line we grabbed from make and modified to 
produce mod_webapp.lo, but replacing -lwebapp with -dlopen 
../lib/libwebapp.la.  This produced the following warning:

libtool: link: warning: `AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN' not used. Assuming no dlopen 

However, the shared library produced works just fine for me (i.e. stuck 
it in ${APACHE_HOME}/modules, restarted apache, and wallah! no need for 
libwebapp.so in lib/!)

I will add this to the documentation I am building up.

Now to figure out why all my regular servlet/jsp webapps works, but my 
Struts-based webapps won't!


Georg Huettenegger wrote:

> hi,
> it does make a difference whether one puts libwebapp.so into the lib or
> the modules directory. nevertheless it is quite clear why putting
> libwebapp.so into modules does work for me and others: the line that is
> used to link mod_webapp.so includes the rpath statement telling the module
> where to look for required libraries first (the modules directory). if
> this directory does not match the final $APACHE_HOME/modules directory it
> will not find the libwebapp.so. i am assuming that apache itself does take
> care of that libraries in the lib directory are found and that would be
> the reason why it does work by putting it in the lib directory.
> the correct solution in my eyes would be to have the static libwebapp.a
> included in the mod_webapp.so so that the libwebapp library does not need
> to be copied.
> bye,
>  georg
> On Sat, 20 Apr 2002, Simon Stewart wrote:
>>On Fri, Apr 19, 2002 at 11:23:44PM -0400, Jeffrey Bonevich wrote:
>>>Simon Stewart wrote:
>>>>Having looked through the mailing list archives, this looks like a
>>>>popular subject, and I think that I've almost got it cracked. Almost.
>>>>After following the advice in 
>>>>I just thought that people might like to know that the location of
>>>>libwebapp.so should be ${APACHE2}/lib and not modules. 
>>>For the purest approach, yes, but it really matters not (at least for my 
>>>apache install -- 2.0.35, compiled from source, DSO-style, etc.).  Did 
>>>it actually matter for you (i.e. you got errors when it was in modules 
>>>as opposed to lib)?
>>Afraid so:
>>mite:/usr/local/apache-2# cd /usr/local/apache-2/
>>mite:/usr/local/apache-2# mv lib/libwebapp.so modules
>>mite:/usr/local/apache-2# ./bin/apachectl start
>>Syntax error on line 218 of /usr/local/apache-2/conf/httpd.conf:
>>Cannot load /usr/local/apache-2/modules/mod_webapp.so into server: libwebapp.so: 
>cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>>./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
>>mite:/usr/local/apache-2# mv modules/libwebapp.so lib/
>>mite:/usr/local/apache-2# ./bin/apachectl start
>>Syntax error on line 221 of /usr/local/apache-2/conf/httpd.conf:
>>Invalid virtual host name
>>./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
>>This after starting tomcat first.
>>>>Apache now passes a configtest with just the webapp module (without
>>>>any WebApp* declarations) loaded but when I add the entries:
>>>>LoadModule webapp_module   modules/mod_webapp.so
>>>>WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
>>>>WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
>>>>(lifted from the default server.xml file) I get:
>>>>root@mite:/usr/local/apache-2# ./bin/apachectl configtest
>>>>Syntax error on line 221 of /usr/local/apache-2/conf/httpd.conf:
>>>>Invalid virtual host name
>>>>Where line 221 refers to the "WebAppDeploy" line. I'm perplexed,
>>>>everything else looks good. Could anyone offer some suggestions,
>>>And the WebApp* directives themselves were in the main configs and not 
>>>in any VirtualHost subsection?  If in a VirtualHost section, try just 
>>>placing them in the main configs and get rid of the vhost config 
>>>subsection...I found this to work for me.  If it is already in the main 
>>>configs, are their other vhost subsections you already have for other 
>>>things?  Try commenting out all vhost configs and see if it works now. 
>>>Long shot, I know, but...
>>Okay, I've set the ServerName to be "localhost:80", because I've read
>>that the name resolution of the server can cause trouble. The port is
>>specified because otherwise I get an error from webapp moaning about
>>the port being bad.
>>There are no VirtualHost sections at all and so I've not set the
>>NameVirtualHost. Doing so produces the same error. I'm using the
>>worker MPM. The WebApp* directives are all in the main body of the
>>config, immediately under the LoadModule directive.
>>It's an interesting problem, but one that's starting to get a little
>>tiresome. If I could persuade mod_jk2 to work, I'd do that, but I've
>>had no luck there, either. Ho hum.
>>None of the logs in the tomcat log directory get any larger when I
>>start apache, so it doesn't look as if the webapp module even attempts
>>to connect to tomcat, and there are no new entires in any of tha
>>apache logs either. Is there some way to get some verbose output out
>>of the module and find out what it thinks it's playing at?
>>I've even edited the /etc/hosts file so that "localhost" is the only
>>name for this machine and restarted both tomcat and then apache with
>>no luck.
>>Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done
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Jeffrey Bonevich
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Hwæt! Wë Gär-Dena   in geär-dagum,
peod-cyninga,       prym gefrünon,
hü ða aepelingas   ellen fremedon!

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