Thanks for the reply. So can I safely assume that there's no way to tell
the browser to send the Authorization request header without sending a 401
Authorization header first. Darn! I guess I'll have to maintain a session
between the browser - Controller jsp/servlet - Secure resources. The
session is maintained between the browser and the Controller jsp/servlet.
And I guess I'll have the Controller jsp/servlet format the Authorization
header with other request headers when making any requests on behalf of a


Phillip Morelock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/23/2002 05:27:24

Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:    Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:    answer: HTTP authentication headers behavior expectations

this is HTTP

AFAIK the only way a browser can send BASIC authentication credentials is:
1) you send them a 401 and the browser prompts the user
2) you format all your links as http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ but i am not
even sure if all browsers will "correctly" use this, at least in the
you're intending.

Many browsers will automatically retransmit credentials to a realm that has
been previously encountered in the (browsing) session, but this is not
guranteed behavior and is certainly not required by any kind of
specification around HTTP-BASIC authentication, AFAIK.



> Is there a way using a servlet/jsp to tell the browser to send the
> Authorization request header without sending a prior "401 Authorization
> required" reponse header.
> Well it goes like this:
> We have a Basic Authentication setup on some of our resources. We would
> like the user to bypass the authorization dialog box. The user could post
> the userid/pwd to a jsp/servlet which then redirects to the requested
> resource (protected) with the credentials. This way the user can access
> protected resources without encountering the authorization dialog box.
> after the user had made the first request and tries to access another
> resource, the authorization dialog box pops up because the browser hasn't
> authorized. It's the jsp/servlet that has. So is there some way to tell
> browser to send a Authorization header without sending a 401 reponse code
> back?
> Thanks in advance.
> RS
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