Oki DZ wrote:

> On 04/25 15:33 Hamish Marson wrote:
> > What you're using (Or trying to use)  is aliases... The DNS records (CNAME
> > etc
> > al) are named after what they point AT (or more accurately) resolve to. Thus
> > the CNAME record (Canonical name) points or resolves to the REAL name of the
> > host. (Literally, the dictionary term for canonical is the real one). Just
> > like
> > the A record resolves TO the address...
> I think I have the same problems...
> So, how do you set up virtual hosts in Tomcat?
> I have tried to have <Host ../> elements in a Tomcat service and I used CNAMEs
> in them. It seemed that any hosts in the service would resolve to the same
> contexts contained in the service (even though I have supplied different URLs;
> ie: different FQDNs).
> I guess the answer would be: just use A records (that point to the same IP
> number). Is it correct...?

As far as tomcat working using virtual hosts goes, I don't see that it would
affect whether you're using DNS A records, CNAME's, or even local host file
lookups on the client... The server makes the decision on which virtual host to
use based on the host: header that the client (Browser) sends in the
HTTP request. The browser gets that literally from the URL. It shouldn't be
making any lookups to resolve it except when openeing the TCP stream to the

As long as your browser is supplying the host: header from your URL that you type
in, then the engine (As documented in the server.xml file) will examinme the host
header to determine which host to send it to. If the host doesn't exist, I think
it uses the default virtual host...



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