The OS is linux.  All directory and file permissions are set to executable.  I
built the from jakarta-tomcat-3.3/native/.. Read that you could do that
and use it w/ 3.2.4., and I'm not insane. ESRI's ArcIMS is
benchmarked w/ TC3.2.

Thanks, Rich

Brandon Cruz wrote:

> What operating system are you on?  If you are on a linux system, you need to
> make sure that all the folders are executable from "/" all the way to
> "servlet".
> Brandon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rich Baldwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 9:27 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: mod_jk, apache 1.3 - tomcat 3.2.4?
> I have set up both tomcat 3.2.4 and apache 1.3.  Both test pages come up
> ok.  But... when I try to bring up the tomcat example servlets via the
> apache port.  I get the following error:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /examples/servlets/index.html on
> this server.
> Apache/1.3.22 Server at Port 80
> I have added "Include tomcat_home/conf/" to  httpd.conf
> where tomcat_home is the actual path.
> The JkMount directive is set.  JkMount /examples/servlet/* apj12
> There is a copy of in apache_home/libexec/.  (It built w/o
> incident.)
> The apj12 connector is uncommented in server.xml, and appears to startup
> w/o incident.
> I've played around w/ different ports in server.xml file and making the
> appropriate changes in the workers.properites and
> files.
> Both tomcat and apache logs indicate no problems.
> Any ideas other than...
> It has been suggested to add a context in the server.xml file which
> points to the apache document root (ie. /var/www/examples) this being a
> link back to wepapps/examples/.  This hack might even work, but I don't
> think that it is supposed to be setup this way.
>  Rich
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