i have the same problem (found out yesterday).

it might be specific to/when running with IBM JDK (don't know).
what i did so far was

    [tim-mn@spiderman src]$ ps -efd|grep tomcat.home

find the %JAVA_HOME%/bin/java -Dtomcat.home ... process with PPID = 1 
(the mother of devil's spawn)
and KILL IT!!!

    [tim-mn@spiderman src]$ kill 6203 # e.g.

gurus do this in one line. as i said: found out about 9 hours ago slept 
since ;)

Cindy Ballreich wrote:

>I've got Tomcat 4.0.3 on Redhat 7.1 and when I start it I get the usual batch of 
>20-50 threads. When I shut tomcat down (using shutdown.sh) there are about a dozen 
>threads that don't go away. Tomcat is definately not running (at least it's not 
>accepting requests), but the threads are still there. I'm not seeing any errors, but 
>I'm not sure where to look. I've done some web searches of the archives and haven't 
>found anything, but I'm hoping that someone will recognize this problem and point me 
>in the right direction.
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