Does mod_webapp work well with Worker MPM??
I find no problem when I am using prefork MPM but return code to be 500 when I am 
worker MPM.
My config is Apache2.0.35, mod_webapp built from jakarta-tomcat-connector-src, 
jdk1.3.1, Solaris8.


OS: Tru64 UNIX 4.0D (Digital UNIX or DEC OSF/1)
Apache 2.0.36 worker MPM
mod_webapp from "jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.2-01-src"
built using GCC 3.0

Working like a charm. With 2.0.35 I couldn't get a connection. Tomcat side would yell 
"Premature end of header" and Apache would log "[crit] listener thread didn't exit". 
2.0.36 works without hickups.

Does anyone know what are "leader" and "threadpool" MPMs? They appear in ./configure, 
but no docs.


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