On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 10:07:50AM +0800, Steve Wong wrote:

> BUT, when I run ./configure --with-apxs=..... FOR mod_webapp It says
> that I cannot mix the gcc and native cc.  AND the configuration
> failed.  The configuration success if I use Solaris's ld to make
> Apache.  
> Why will this happen and Is this normal??

Did you build Apache with the Solaris tool chain, or the GNU one?

I'm not an expert, but I would imagine that mixing object (.o) files
generated from different compilers is asking for trouble. One compiler
could well expect certain optimisations, etc. that the other doesn't
implement, or one that implements things differently, not to mention
compiler specific extensions. I'm guessing that both compiler chains
ultimately output an ELF executable, but there's no reason to suppose
that the intermediate stages are going to be compatible with each

Having said that, I would expect SOs and DSOs to be shared without

I know that the Solaris chain has a lot of trouble with mod_webapp for
some reason. Sorry, this isn't a particularly definitive answer, is it?



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