"Robert A. Rogerson" wrote:

> I installed Tomcat 4.0.3 and followed the How To directions for redirecting
> when using IIS.  JSP pages are served correctly through Tomcat http://local
> host:8080/examples/jsp/dates/date.jsp but when I try  and serve a simple jsp
> http://localhost/test.jsp where test.jsp is
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Welcome JSP</title>
> </head>
> <body bgcolor="white">
> <h3> Welcome </h3>
> <p><b> Today is <%= new java.util.Date() %>.  Have a nice day! :-) </b></p>
> </body>
> </html>
> I receive the error
> ...<title>Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - Error report</title>
> ...Apache Tomcat/4.0.3 - HTTP Status 404 - /jakarta/isapi_redirector.dll
> ...type</b> Status report
> ...message</b> <u>/jakarta/isapi_redirector.dll
> ...description</b> <u>The requested resource (/jakarta/isapi_redirector.dll)
> is not available.
> through IIS.
> I checked the authority to the /jakarta virtual directory and it does have
> Execute permission.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.

1. In %CATALINA_HOME%/conf/server.xml make sure the line
      <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" reloadable="true" debug="0"/>
is uncommented (in 403 as shipped, it's commented).

2. Put test.jsp in %CATALINA_HOME%/webapps/ROOT

3. Unless you switched Tomcat's port to 80, I think your URL
has to be http://localhost:8080/test.jsp



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