> I've seen some other examples for config files
> that say to have Apache send *all* requests over to Tomcat,
> but that defeats the purpose of having Apache so that *it*
> will be in charge of serving my static files along with sending
> my PHP/Perl files to the apropriate processer.

Hey there. I wrote the example you are quoting above, so I thought I would
say hello.

Yes, the example I gave does by default send everything through Apache and
it does this for a couple reasons ... first it is a stepping stone for
getting to either a stand-alone Tomcat for someone who knows Apache well,
and as means to get to learn how Tomcat works for those that know Apache (ie
if you have SSL and/or password setups already figured out in Apache, then
this setup means you don't need to figure it out in Tomcat).

What I haven't tried to do yet (time, I always need more time) is sit down
and distinguish between forcing all static content (.html, .gif, .jpeg, etc)
to be done via Apache (though mod_webapp...since we all know that mod_jk can
in fact do this).

That being said there are still ways to make this steup function/process
files differently. On the page you quoted, as an example, I placed a 'note'
that talks about how Apache analyzes 'Location' directives before sending
them off to WARP, unlike how Apache ends up 'ignoring' 'Directory'
directives. Through the 'Location' directive you can actually have some
other module process the files.

Not sure if that helps or not.


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