YES! You've hit it!  I AM asking the question about how fast the car will
go.  At this time, I DON'T care about the type of car or engine! My question
is being analyzed far too deeply by the diligent developers on this mail

The type of responses I was hoping for would have had developers proudly
boasting something like: "At my company we are successfully running 17
applications in two TC instances" or "We are running one TC instance with
four apps" or "We have one app".  I am not interested in app type or size or
anything like that.

Based on the information I have seen, I should be forced to conclude that TC
is not being used for any "real" applications, but I KNOW this can not be
true - there are far too many intelligent and competent people monitoring
the mail list.  Unfortunately (for me), no one has yet proclaimed success.

I understand that when it comes time to actually implement TC, the questions
regarding OS, JVM, type of apps, etc will become VERY important. But I need
to try to make some justifications before I can ever get to that point.

Thanks all for all your help!

-- Jeff

-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 7:32 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Please help me improve my question skills (number of tomcat

Your question cannot be answered without specifying criteria.
1) OS type
2) JVM type
3) Type and Complexity of Application
4) Are you using connectors
5) Are you connecting to databases

Your current question is like asking how fast and how far will a car go. I
don`t care what
kind of car, or engine.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Knutsen Jeffrey S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 9:48 AM
Subject: Please help me improve my question skills (number of tomcat apps)

> I have submitted the following question and received no response.  I know
> this isn't a technical problem, but I was hoping for responses from real
> developers.  I thought it was a simple question, and have always received
> excellent and quick responses from the tomcat mail list in the past, so
> problem must be with me or the way I am asking.
> Can someone please help me improve myself?  Is this a stupid question?
> I perhaps asked it incorrectly?  I am open and receptive to any
> criticism available (I can take it, but maybe you could send a direct
> response if you want to be extremely brutal?!)
> All I really want to know is how many applications real developers are
> putting on one machine in the real world. I am just looking for an
> number, and I am not worried about system configurations at this time.
> Thanks!
> I am doing some Tomcat cost/benefit projections for my company.  I need to
> determine the maximum number of applications that will run on Tomcat and
> still provide stable performance.  I am not interested in a theoretical
> number at this time, just seeking information about what real developers
> actually doing with real applications.
> At this time, I am not interested in what machine types, OSs,
> configurations, versions, are being used.  I understand the answer to my
> questions will depend heavily on these issues as well as on the
> themselves.  I just need to come up with a realistic number of
> instances/apps which are being run on a single machine by real users. I am
> seeking an answer to the following two questions:
> Number of Tomcat instances I am running on one machine:
> Number of individual applications I am running in all instances of Tomcat
> one machine:
> Please feel free to respond to the mail list, or to me directly at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (if we don't want to clog the list with
> answers to this question).  I will post a final resolution message to the
> mail list when I have come to some sort of conclusion.
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> --
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