Knutsen Jeffrey S wrote:

> YES! You've hit it!  I AM asking the question about how fast the car will
> go.  At this time, I DON'T care about the type of car or engine! My question
> is being analyzed far too deeply by the diligent developers on this mail
> list. 

Well, although I agree with other posters that answering your question 
will not provide you with any useful information, here goes...

I am developing a REAL application using Tomcat. Development is on a G3 
PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.1.5, Tomcat 4.0.3 standalone, and MySQL 
something or other (recent, anyway!) with mm.MySQL JDBC driver. 
Performance is very good.
Production will be on some kind of Sun box which also runs Samba 
(masquerades as an NT server) for local workgroup. Production DB will be 
Oracle 8i, which will probably slow down the app somewhat, but still 
confident the car will go fast enough!

Now, apart from the information that the Mac is an excellent platform 
for Java apps, I don't know how this helps you, but hey... :-)


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