On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Reynir Hübner wrote:

> Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:00:53 -0000
> From: Reynir Hübner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: REPOST: 2 questions..requests...
> hi,
> I have 2 questions (not really related) :
> 1. How can I get the header "if-modified-since", from the request
> object, when I print out the enumeration of getHeaderNames() it's not
> there.

Do you know for sure that your browser actually *sent* this header?  That
will typically happen only when the URL has previously been retrieved,
*and* the previous output for that URL included a "Date" for the browser
to use on subsequent requests.  You also need to be sure you've configured
your browser not to unconditionally read the page on every request.

> 2. I've been writing some scripts in java, mainly regluar-expression
> related stuff,downloading webpages with HttpUrlConnection, parsing some
> strings out of 'em, and so on.  I have been playing around executing the
> whole thing in a jsp site. The execution of this jsp page can take few
> minutes, depending on some parameters. For me it is very much ok,
> because I needed to run this script onetime only. But what bothers me,
> is the fact, that when I run it, Internet Explorer seems to reload the
> page, so it runs twice. I am wondering if this is a bug in tomcat or
> Internet Explorer. In the end I moved all the script into a standalone
> application and executed it ok ( did not run twice). So this is not a
> problem I will solve, but I wonder if this is a known problem with
> tomcat-jsp execution, where does the time-gap lie, when does it start to
> reload, is this somekind of a "ping" request from Internet Explorer that
> executes the page again if it hasn't loaded with in some time or what is
> happening ?  if any one knows, tell me. It does not happen with any
> other jsp page, and I actually saw the page "blink" or "flash" when it
> got reloaded in IExpl.

Can't help you without details (and don't use IE anyway), but there is
nothing Tomcat can do if the browser really does submit the request twice
-- you will need to program around that.

> I am using tomcat 4.0.3 standalone, without coyote. and then Internet explorer 6.
> Thank you,
> best regards,
> -reynir


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