On Sun, 2002-06-23 at 10:54, abhishek srivastava wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have downloaded the new tomcat 4.0.4 today. I also downloaded the source 
> for the jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.4-src ... when I run ant the build 
> says build successfull. but there is no mod_jk.so to be found.

When you run ant to build the connectors, in
jakarta-tomcat-connectors-src/jk try running 'ant native' to build
mod_jk.so.  I didn't have much luck doing this on my solaris8 box, but I
know why that didn't work, just not how to fix it (it was a solaris 
specific issue).

> PS: If someone has already succeeded in building the binaries of mod_jk for 
> LINUX 7.3 platform, then please send it to me.

I assume you mean RedHat 7.3.  You should be able to use the binary
connector here -

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Sean M. Alderman
ITRACK Systems Analyst
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