
I'm pretty sure that this is the same issue that I've experienced. 
First, try mapping to "/bodypainting/" instead of "/". See if you get a 
cookie there. Then, if you have a browser that allows you to inspect 
session cookies (mozilla is good for this), check the path of your 
session cookie. You should find that it's "/bodypainting". The problem 
is that the cookie path is determined by Tomcat, not by Apache, and 
Tomcat gives every webapp a cookie with the path of the webapp as tomcat 
would determine it; so since Tomcat thinks the path is "/bodypainting", 
the cookie path doesn't change just because you're using mod_proxy. So 
when you go to visit the page at "/", the cookie is ignored because it 
doesn't have the right path.

The only way I can think of to solve your issue so far is to solve the 
path issue with Tomcat- you need to map your webapp to 
'http://localhost:8000/' instead of 
'http://localhost:8000/bodypainting/'. There are two ways I can think of 
to do this:

   1. move your 'bodypainting' webapp into the "ROOT" webapp.
   2. Uncomment and change the docBase path in server.xml: <Context
      path="" docBase="bodypainting" debug="0"/>

That should do the trick, hopefully. Let me know how that works for you. 
Best of luck!

Liam Morley

Rick Mills wrote:

>I am experiencing a problem with session tracking when using Apache 2.0.39's
>mod_proxy module to connect to my Tomcat 4.0.3 instance.
>I have a servlet which checks to see if a session exists, and if not,
>creates a new session.
>When testing on a standalone instance of Tomcat, all works as expected. I
>start up a browser session to my site, and the servlet creates a new
>session; this session persists for subsequent requests to my site.
>However, when going via Apache to Tomcat over mod_proxy, my servlet is not
>recognising that I have already set up a session on subsequent calls to
>Tomcat, and is creating a new session each time.
>The "Virtual Host" configuration in Apache's httpd.conf to set up the proxy
>connection to Tomcat is as follows:
><Virtual Host *>
>    ServerName    www.bodypainting.co.uk
>    ProxyPass    / http://localhost:8000/bodypainting/
>    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8000/bodypainting/
>The entry in my Tomcat server.xml for handling the proxy connection is as
><Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
>    port="8000" minProcessors="3" maxProcessors="75"
>    proxyName="localhost:8000" proxyPort="80"/>
>Just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar, or if anyone
>has any ideas.
>Incidentally, I've already experimented with using mod_jk and mod_webapp to
>connect Apache to Tomcat, but found that mod_proxy was by far the simplest
>method, especially given that all content from my site will be served up by
>Tomcat, and I don't need any static pages served up by Apache.
>Kind regards
>Rick Mills
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