Apologies if this appears in MIME (I hope not), I am using the web version of MS 
Outlook, have no access to the full client, and thus have no control over the options.
I've got a bit of a problem with Jakarta Tomcat 3.2.1/3.3.1
I am running a small XML application that takes the getDocumentElement() of a document 
class and appends it onto another class.  To do this, I use the importNode() function. 
 When I test it on my home server, which is a modified version of the JSDK2.1 server 
(modified in the sense that I have randomly added .jar files as needed), the 
application works.  When I test it on Tomcat 3.2.1/3.3.1, it doesn't.
The code in question is as follows:
    Document temp=null;
    if (result==null)
      temp=builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader("<result>No 
      temp=builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(result)));
    Node temp3=temp.getDocumentElement();
    Node temp4=temp2.importNode(temp3,true);
    return temp2;
The code is sloppy, because I've been trying to debug it, so I tried various 
permutations of the same code.  This was the last state of the code.
The code bombs on "Node temp4=temp2.importNode(temp3,true);"
it reports the error message:

 at sf_maincontrol.setupXMLSearchEngine(sf_maincontrol.java:109)
 at sf_maincontrol.run(sf_maincontrol.java:57)
 at sf.searchme(sf.java:68)
 at sf.doPost(sf.java:16) ...
This is odd, because as can be seen on the earlier lines, it is running various other 
methods of the document class just fine.
Originally, I thought it was because I was using an old version of Tomcat (3.2.1), so 
I switched to Tomcat 4.0.  Tomcat 4.0 was so completely different (and I couldn't get 
it to install), so I switched to 3.3.1, which worked.
All of my own special jars are in the web-inf/lib directory, etc. etc.
I just can't understand why it isn't running importNode, but is running all the other 
methods of the Document class.
Thank you
Cecil Chua

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