Version: jboss-3.0.0_tomcat-4.0.3
OS: Redhat 7.2, 2.4.7-10

I'm moving my existing Apache-based web server over to a Jboss/Tomcat
combination. I need to set it up to vhost 3 domains. The JBoss/Tomcat
installation is an out-of-the-box binary. I added three entries to the
catalina/conf/server.xml (as I have done in the past for vhosting on a
Tomcat-only server) like this:
<Host name="domain1" ><Context path="" docBase="webapps/domain1"/></Host>

But this is inside the "Tomcat-standalone" <Service> tag. Do I need to
configure a different <Service> tag for a JBoss/Tomcat setup? After the
install, I ran $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ and it seemed to invoke all of the
JBoss and Tomcat stuff fine. I can hit the server remotely but I get "HTTP
Status 500 - No Context configured to process this request". I deployed a
test servlet using ant to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy and JBoss picked
it up and hot deployed it, no problem. I have static content for two of the
domains to-be-hosted that I would like the default servlet to handle as it
would in a typical Tomcat install.

(1) How can I setup Jboss/Tomcat to vhost the three domains?
(2) How can I get rid of the "No Context" messages?
(3) How can I setup static content (HTML files) to be delivered in a
JBoss/Tomcat scenario?

Thanks in advance,
Josh Landin

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