When configuring TC 4.1.8 to work with mod_jk2.dll (jul-19 nightly), I
ran into an odd configuration issue with j_security_check.

When using extension mapping, the only way to get j_security_check to be
sent to Tomcat was to make a directory redirect for it.


info=default context

info=default context


Does anyone know if this is how it's supposed to work?  I tried a couple
different scenario's that didn't work. 

[uri:/TimeOff/j_security_check]  // This did nothing whatsoever from
what I can tell

[uri:/TimeOff/j_security_check.do] //with a servlet-mapping in my
web-app, but that didn't work because j_security_check isn't a servlet
in my web-app.  It must get peeled off before the request makes it into
the servlet container.  

If anyone know's a better way of handling this, please let me know.
This redirect actually works for servlets too, if you wanted to specify
each servlet individually.

- Andrew

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