Do not remove this temp directory.  This is the temporary
directory configured in the Tomcat startup with  This temp directory is used by the JVM
for internal things like jar files, etc.



Eddie Ruvinsky wrote:
> I don't believe this is the case.  According to the
> source, if the "workDir" attribute of StandardHost is
> null (default case), the temp dir will be generated
> inside $CATALINA_BASE/work/.  Otherwise, it will be
> generated in the StandardHost's "workDir."
> I believe that it's unused and doesn't belong in the
> Tomcat distribution.  Can someone confirm?
> -Eddie
> --- Mona Wong-Barnum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hi Eddie:
>>>When I unpacked the distribution of Tomcat 4.0.4,
>>>noticed an empty temp/ directory in the Tomcat
>>>directory.  I don't believe it gets used anywhere
>>>the code.  Should it be cleaned up?
>>      No leave it.  It will be used a temp directory in
>>your servlet code 
> ==================================================================
>>Mona Wong-Barnum
>>National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research
>>University of California, San Diego
>>"The truth shall set you free, but first it will
>>piss you off"
>>                              A Landmark instructor
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