You might want to close your database connection, or at least return it to
the pool (I don't see you doing that, it ought to be after you close the
prepared statement).

mike jackson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luminous Heart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 8:36 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: It would be great IF somebody answered me, ONCE, for change
> :(
> Hi Graig,
> Here is my jsp file. I am not sure what might be
> wrong. Although the same error happens in a bigger
> application in a tc cluster of 3 tomcats. Two of these
> tcs fail while one does not get any forwards after
> that.
> Please take a look at my code, if you do not mind.
> Best regards.
> ===================== JSP =====================
> <%@ page import="*" %>
> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
> <%@ page import="java.text.*" %>
> <%@ page import="java.util.Properties" %>
> <%@ page import="java.util.Date" %>
> <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
> <%@ page import="com.codestudio.util.*"%>
> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%>
> <!-- %@ include file="no-cache.jsp" % -->
> <form action="UserAccount.jsp" method=post
> name="access_form">
>   <table width="90%" align="center">
>   <tr>
>               <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan=3> <font
> size=5>User Access</font></th>
>     <td>&nbsp;</td>
>     <td>&nbsp;</td>
>     <td>&nbsp;</td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td>
>         <center>
>           <table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=2 border=0>
>             <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan=2> <font
> size=5>User Access by userid</font></th>
>             <tr bgcolor="#c8d8f8">
>               <td valign=top colspan=2> <b>User
> Name</b><br>
>                 <input type="text" name="byusername"
> size=25 value=""  maxlength=25>
>               </td>
>             </tr>
>           </table>
> </center>
> </td>
>     <td>
>         <center>
>           <table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=2 border=0>
>             <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan=2> <font
> size=5>User Access by Date</font><font size=1></font>
>             </th>
>             <tr bgcolor="#c8d8f8">
>               <td valign=top> <b>Date</b><br>
>                 <input type="text" name="bydate"
> value="" size=25  maxlength=125>
>                 <br>
>               </td>
>             </tr>
>           </table>
> </center>
> </td>
>     <td>
>         <center>
>           <table cellpadding=4 cellspacing=2 border=0>
>             <th bgcolor="#CCCCFF" colspan=2> <font
> size=5>USER Access by IP Address</font>
>             </th>
>             <tr bgcolor="#c8d8f8">
>               <td valign=top> <b>IP Address</b><br>
>                 <input type="text" name="byipaddress"
> value="" size=25  maxlength=125>
>                 <br>
>               </td>
>             </tr>
>           </table>
> </center>
> </td>
>   </tr>
>   <tr>
>     <td>&nbsp;</td>
>     <td align="center" bgcolor="#c8d8f8">
>       <input type="submit" value="Submit"
> name="submit">
>     </td>
>     <td>&nbsp;</td>
>   </tr>
> </table>
> </form>
> <%
>       String inUser = null;
>               String inDate = null;
>               String inIPadd = null;
>       try{
>          inUser =
> (request.getParameter("byusername")).trim();
>          if (inUser == null) inUser = "";
>          inDate = request.getParameter("bydate").trim();
>          if (inDate == null) inDate = "";
>          inIPadd =
> request.getParameter("byipaddress").trim();
>          if (inIPadd == null) inIPadd = "";
>       }catch(NullPointerException npe){
>               out.println("Please choose a query option.");
>       }
>         PreparedStatement ps = null;
>          /* Log user access count to the system */
>     SQLManager thisManager = null;
>     if (thisManager == null)
>       thisManager = SQLManager.getInstance();
>     Connection myConn = null;
>        if (myConn == null)
>          myConn = thisManager.requestConnection();
>       if (((inUser != null) && !inUser.equals("") ) ||
> ((inDate != null) && !inDate.equals("")) || ((inIPadd
> != null) && !inIPadd.equals("")))
>       {
>         java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
>         java.sql.Timestamp stamp = new
> java.sql.Timestamp(today.getTime());
>         String stampStr = stamp.toString();
>         String timeofday =
> stampStr.substring(11,stampStr.length());
>         String date = stampStr.substring(0,11);
>         String todayatZero = date + " 00:00:00.0000";
>         todayatZero = "2002-08-01 00:00:00.0000";
> inDate += " 00:00:00.0000";
>       boolean ValueEntered = false;
> if (((inUser != null)&& (inDate != null) && (inIPadd
> != null)) && (!inUser.equals("") && !inDate.equals("")
> && !inIPadd.equals("")) )
> {
> //out.println("all are not empty and not null!");
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where username = ? and useripaddress
> = ? and timestamp >= ? order by timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inUser);
> ps.setString(2, inIPadd);
> ps.setString(3, inDate);
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else{
> if ((inUser != null)&&        (!inUser.equals("")))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where username = ? order by
> timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inUser);
> //out.println("inUser is not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else
> if ((inIPadd != null)&& (!inIPadd.equals("") ))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where useripaddress = ? order by
> timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inIPadd);
> //out.println("inIPadd is not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else
> if ((inDate != null)&& (!inDate.equals("") ))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where timestamp >= ? order by
> timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inDate);
> //out.println("inDate is not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else
> if (((inUser != null) && !inUser.equals("")) &&
> ((inIPadd != null) && !inIPadd.equals("")))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where username = ? and useripaddress
> = ? order by timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inUser);
> ps.setString(2, inIPadd);
> //out.println("inUser & inIPadd are not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else
> if (((inUser != null) && !inUser.equals("")) &&
> ((inDate != null) && !inDate.equals("")))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where username = ? and timestamp >=
> ? order by timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inUser);
> ps.setString(2, inDate);
> //out.println("inUser & inDate are not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }else
> if (((inIPadd != null) && !inIPadd.equals("")) &&
> ((inDate != null) && !inDate.equals("")))
> {
> ps = myConn.prepareStatement ("select * from
> DataBaseTableName where username = ? and useripaddress
> = ? order by timestamp desc");
> ps.setString(1, inUser);
> ps.setString(2, inIPadd);
> //out.println("inIPadd & inDate are not empty!");
> ValueEntered = true;
> }
> }
>       if(ValueEntered)
>       {
>         ValueEntered = false;
>       ResultSet returnedRecord = ps.executeQuery();
>       String Attempt = "0";
>       String dUser = "";
>       String userIP = "";
>       String timestamper = "";
>       int counter = 0;
>       if (
>       {
> %>
>       <html>
>       <head>
>       <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="general.css"
> TYPE="text/css">
>       </head>
>       <body>
>               <table align="center" bgcolor=grey width="90%">
>               <tr bgcolor=#8090aa>
> <td width="2%">Number</td>
> <td width="25%">Username</td>
> <td width="25%">IP</td>
> <td width="5%">Logins</td>
> <td width="25%">Stamp</td>
> </tr>
> <%}  //end testReturned.
> returnedRecord.previous(); //keep here to make sure
> you reset the cursor!
>       boolean isGrey = false;
>       String cellcolor = "#ee00ff";
>       try{
>           while(
>           {
>               dUser = returnedRecord.getString("username");
>               userIP =
> returnedRecord.getString("useripaddress");
>               Attempt =
> returnedRecord.getString("DataBaseTableName");
>               timestamper =
> returnedRecord.getString("timestamp");
>                                       if (counter % 2 == 0)
>                                               cellcolor = "#aaffee";
>                                       else cellcolor = "#aaff80";
>                                       counter++;
>                                       %>
>                                       <tr bgcolor ="<%=cellcolor%>">
>                                       <td><%=counter%></td>
>                                       <td><%=dUser%></td>
>                                       <td><%=userIP%></td>
>                                       <td><%=Attempt%></td>
>                                       <td><%=timestamper%></td>
>                                       </tr>
>                                       <%
>                                               isGrey = true;
>                               }
>       }catch(java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe){
>       }catch (java.lang.NullPointerException npe){}
> %>
> </table>
> </body>
> </html>
> <%}
>       ps.close();
>   thisManager.returnConnection(myConn);
>       /* End Log user access count to the system */
> }%>
> ===================== End JSP =================
> --- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Luminous Heart wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 08:14:08 -0700 (PDT)
> > > From: Luminous Heart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
> > > To: Tomcat Users List
> > > Subject: It would be great IF somebody answered
> > me, ONCE, for change :(
> > >
> > > I keep on asking this question but noone helps. Is
> > it
> > > a bug in TC?
> > >
> >
> > Since Tomcat doesn't do any database processing of
> > its own, this issue is
> > virtually guaranteed to be a bug in your code, or
> > (much less likely, but
> > possible) a bug in the postgres or poolman packages.
> >  THerefore, asking
> > for help on a Tomcat list isn't likely to be useful
> > -- especially since
> > you don't include any of the code on your page that
> > illustrates what you
> > are trying to do.
> >
> > Craig
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
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