I just built apache 2.0.40 and tried to get it working with mod_jk.so on RH
7.2.  No luck...the mod_jk.so file that works with 1.3.26 is not compatible
with 2.0.40.  The error message I get is:

Cannot load /usr/local/apache2/lib/mod_jk.so into server:
/usr/local/apache2/lib/mod_jk.so: undefined symbol: ap_table_get

So, right off the bat, I can tell you that the instructions in my How-To
will only work with apache 1.3.26, not 2.0.39/40.  I will have to research
if it is a do-or-die problem with mod_jk (which means switching to mod_jk2),
or just a rebuild of mod_jk with options that allow use with apache

John Turner

-----Original Message-----
From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 8:15 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: BAD packet - Apache 2.0.39 + mod_jk (or mod_webapp) on

I notice you mentioned that you had copied the JAR files to
CATALINA_HOME/common after building the connector.  This is one area that
confuses me about connecting apache to tomcat with mod_jk.  The docs I read
told me to build those JARs, but I don't have them anywhere in my
CATALINA_HOME tree, I left them in the source-build directory.  As far as I
can tell, they aren't needed.

This might be the problem, or, if it isn't, did you find a resource
someplace that explained what the JAR files are for, where they should go,
and why?  I didn't find one, and would be interested in reading it.

My memory is hazy, too, but it seems to me that apache 2.x requires mod_jk2,
not mod_jk.  If I have a chance today I will build 2.0.39 from source and
see if it works instead of 1.3.26 in my currently-working
apache+tomcat+mod_jk environment.

John Turner

-----Original Message-----
From: Mathew Pole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 3:28 AM
Subject: BAD packet - Apache 2.0.39 + mod_jk (or mod_webapp) on linux

Hi ,

At first glance the following combination sounded like a great idea
(especially as I had success with this on windows 2000):
tomcat 4.0.4 
tomcat connectors 4.0.4 
apache 2.0.39 
linux (gentoo 1.2 distribution)
In reality it has proved very challenging. I've tried the following:

Following instructions provided by John Turner in
http://www.johnturner.com/howto/apache-tomcat-howto.html, I came across a
couple of issues which I resolved by 
failed trying to build the mod_jk.so, but after setting apache13.home to a
bogus location and running ant native it appears to have worked 
copied jk/build/lib/mod_jk.so apache2/modules 
copied jk/build/lib/*.jar to tomcat/common 
updated apache.conf file as suggested 
updated server.xml as suggested, with addition of
modJk="/usr/local/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so" in the listener definition
Currently, in the tomcat/logs/catalina.out file the following text is
appearing (note the string after In : : [ changes, but 4/843 remains

   BAD packet 256
   In: : [B@3e58d4 4/843

followed by what appears to be some hex output of mainly 00s.

My suspicion is that this error is caused by one of:
mod_jk.so being compiled incorrectly 
connector jar files being compiled incorrectly or being in the wrong place 
incorrect configuration
I've also attached logs & configuration files to this email. Hopefully this
is enough information for someone to help me.

In addition to this I looked at the instructions in
http://wass.homelinux.net/howtos/Jakarta_How-To.shtml, but the
mod-jk-303-ap20.so doesn't work with apache 2.0.39.

Mathew Pole 
Web Architect, Gerard Industries
phone: 08 8269 0511 ext 313, fax: 08 8340 1212, mobile: 0403 164 617

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