Every method will have to get it's own connection and close it too.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian J. Dechery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 2:56 PM
> Subject: Re: problems with Connections
> That's exactly the problem... we dont't have any servlets (I 
> wish we had, but I didn't design, I only code)... only JSPs 
> and classes... 
> I'll give u an example of how are things here... let's say we 
> have a class called BusinessObject, and a class called 
> DAOBusinessObject...
> so I'd have a JSP like that
> <%
>     BusinessObject bo = new BusinessObject(); // at this 
> point, DAOBusinessObject requested a connection
>     bo.method1(); // this method calls a method in DAO which 
> runs a query
>     bo.method2(); // this on too... and every other method as well...
> %>
> so, as long as the DAOBusinessObject object "lives" the 
> Connection is there... how am I supposed to close it, since 
> every query needs it? Now I see, I should have a method to 
> close the used conn or something... but we have up to 50 DAO* 
> classes and more then 200 JSPs... 
> I agree with what u said about the finalize()... but what 
> should I do then?
> .:| Christian J. Dechery
> .:| FINEP - Depto. de Sistemas
> .:| (21) 2555-0332
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/08/02 16:37 >>>
> On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, Christian J. Dechery wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:13:23 -0300
> > From: Christian J. Dechery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: problems with Connections
> >
> > I don't think it is TOTALLY offtopic, since the problem 
> occurs within
> > Tomcat...
> From your description of the problem and your design 
> approach, I'll bet it
> would happen to you in a long-running non-servlet application as well.
> and when I close tomcat all the connections and cursors are
> > released...
> >
> Exactly what you'd expect if your application is leaking open 
> connections,
> statements, or result sets.
> > as I said in my email I close ALL ResultSets and Statements 
> in "finally"
> > blocks...
> >
> Fine, I'll take your word for it ... but missing a case would easily
> account for what you are seeing.  (In the particular case of Oracle, a
> cursor is allocated for each result set, which is not 
> released until the
> result set is closed).
> > as for "closing" the Connection... can I use the finalize() 
> in the DAO*
> > classes to use the method that returns the Connection to 
> the pool?? Cuz
> > I can't see anywhere else where I'd be able to do that...
> >
> The right design pattern is to acquire a connection, do whatever
> processing is required, and immediately release it.  For example:
>   DataSource dataSource = ...;  // Acquire reference to 
> connection pool
>   Connection conn = null;
>   try {
>     conn = dataSource.getConnection();
>     ... perform SQL operations as necessary ...
>     conn.close();     // Return connection to the pool
>     conn = null;
>   } catch (SQLException e) {
>     ... deal with problems ...
>   } finally {
>     if (conn != null) {
>       try {
>         conn.close();  // Return to pool even if an exception occurred
>       } catch (SQLException e) {
>         ;
>       }
>       conn = null;
>     }
>   }
> Waiting for the finalize() method to clean up just occupies resources
> needlessly until the garbage collector gets around to running -- this
> by itself could easily exhaust your available connections in a busy
> environment.  It also assumes that your JDBC driver's 
> implementation of
> the finalize() method knows that this Connection was stored in a pool.
> That seems like a really shaky bet.
> A primary goal of your designs should be to minimize the 
> amount of time
> that you have a database connection allocated to the processing of a
> particular request -- connections are expensive to create, and there's
> always an upper limit on how many your database will support.
> > .:| Christian J. Dechery
> > .:| FINEP - Depto. de Sistemas
> > .:| (21) 2555-0332
> Craig
> --
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