We're attempting to connect Tomcat 4.0 to Apache 2.0 but are having problems. All of 
the existing documention focuses on connecting Apache 1.3 to Tomcat 4.0, but there is 
nothing we have seen that discusses connecting Tomcat 4.0 to Apache 2.0 and there are 
enough differences between Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.0 that the existing documentation 
does not help us.
Specifically, when connection Apache 1.3 to Tomcat 4.0, it discusses the following 
 LoadModule proxy_module  {path-to-modules}/mod_proxy.so

AddModule  mod_proxy.c
ProxyPass         /myapp  http://localhost:8081/myapp

ProxyPassReverse  /myapp  http://localhost:8081/myapp

but, we don't see mod_proxy.so in the Apache 2.0 modules directory, so we don't know 
what to do. What is the equivalent configuration for Apache 2.0? Is there any 
documentation that exists for connecting these specific versions?
Also, does anybody know of a way to connect iPlanet 6.0sp2 to Tomcat 4.0? We have 
iPlanet and would like to continue using it, but we can't find any way to get the two 
products to work together.
thank you in advance for your assistance,
Raj and Brandon - Broward Community College

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