If apache is doing your logging, the adding %{Cookie}i to your access 
log directive will do the trick.

In apache 2.0 - the regular access log module can also write out 
specific cookies. (I think)

If you logging via tomcat only - then you are out of luck. (Until a 
patch is submitted)

Charles Swarts wrote:
> looked through the archive and couldn't find an
> answer, so  heres my question:
> I use the following in my server.xml to write my 
> logs:
>           <Logger
> className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
> prefix="apache_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true" />
>           <Valve
> className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
> directory="somepath/logs" prefix="access_log."
> suffix=".txt
> " pattern="combined" />
> It works just fine. Except now that I am getting and
> setting cookies, I need to have those cookies written
> to the logs so I can do better web traffic analysis.
> I know that I am setting the cookie I want to track (
> I can see the cookie locally) but when that browser
> with that cookie goes to that site, it does not show
> up in the access_log.
> Is my problem an Apache httpd.conf one?  If anyone
> could point me in the right direction.....
> Thanks,
> cs

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