   I installed Apache 2.0.40 and Tomcat 4.0.4 on different Linux(RedHat) servers and 
tried to make apache connect to tomcat with mod_jk module,

   For this I did the following things
   1) I installed Apache 2.0.40 on Machine 'A' and built mod_jk.so module (./configure 
--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-java-home=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01), It 
was suceesfully done and got mod_jk.so

   2)  I installed Tomcat 4.0.4 on machine 'B' and copied mod_jk.so from machine 
'A'(Apache machine) to Machine 'B' (Tomcat machine),

and modified server.xml as per the documenatation
    here Upon start up of tomact I got mod_jk.conf, I copied it from machine B to 
Machine A(Apache Machine)   and included it in httpd.conf

    Here I did not understand Following things
    1) in mod_jk.conf  (on Machine 'A' Apache)
      Alias /manager "/opt/catalina/webapps/manager" -->  here what I need to put,  
because the path mentioned  is there on machine 'B'

 2)in workesr.properties (on machine 'A' Apache)
       worker.ajp13.host= machine 'B' I am sure This is ok
       workers.java_home=/opt/java/j2sdk1.4.0_01,   here what I need to set up for 
these (because catalina_home and java_home are there in Machine 'B')

here I didn't get any error in mod_jk.log (on machine 'A')

Any help greatly appreciated


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