In the config you posted you didn't have RemoveAbandoned configured, by
default is is set to false.  You also didn't set the maxActive, by default
I believe it is unlimited.  An example of your code which uses the
JNDI named datasource would also be helpfull in debugging these type
of problems.



Amitabh Dubey wrote:
> I used performance monitor to view the number of user connections to the
> database. Although i was closing the connection in my client code, the pool
> size / connections to the database were always increasing. Given that i was
> executing only one program at a time, i would expect that this number not go
> on increasing.
> So i closed not only the connections, but resultset and statements as well.
> This solved my problem. However, the tomcat dbcp documentation suggests that
> we have a removeAbandoned and the timeout for this property also set. My
> remove abandones was set to true and the timeout value was 5 secs. But these
> values seem to be ignored. So the only sure way out is to close everything
> explictly.
> Amitabh
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Glenn Nielsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 7:22 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: DBCP pool always increasing
> What do you mean by your pool is increasing in size?  That the number of
> open
> connections to the db is increaing? What is the indicator that this
> is happening?  The more specific you can be the better chance that someone
> can answer your question.
> Glenn
> Amitabh Dubey wrote:
>>Hello All,
>>   I managed to use DBCP with SQL Server and am able to get connections
> from
>>the pool. After i execute my query, i close the connection also, but it is
>>going back to my pool and i have verified that. However, what I do not
>>understand is this : Why does the pool go on increasing and never
> decreasing
>>in size. This is what my server.xml looks like
>><ResourceParams name="SQLServerDS">
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>validationQuery</name>
>>        <value></value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>user</name>
>>        <value>sa</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>url</name>
> <value>jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://dnas07:1113;DatabaseName=NorthWind</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>password</name>
>>        <value>sa</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>maxActive</name>
>>        <value>3</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>maxWait</name>
>>        <value>120</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>driverClassName</name>
>>        <value></value>
>>      </parameter>
>>      <parameter>
>>        <name>maxIdle</name>
>>        <value>5</value>
>>      </parameter>
>>    </ResourceParams>
>>If i understand the parameters correctly, then
>>maxActive --> Maximum number of connections allowed to the database (What
>>happens when this number is reached? For me i get a new connection and the
>>pool increases. Is this the expected behavior? Can i change it to fail or
>>block instead?)
>>maxidle --> Maximum number of idle connections that the pool should hold
>>(For me my pool never goes down to this limit)
>>maxWait --> Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
> in
>>removeAbandoned --> recycle connections if the removeAbandonedTimeout is
>>reached and the connection is idle. in our case it is true.
>>removeAbandonedTimeout --> 5
>>If i am correct, why is my pool growing forever and not reducing in size?
>>Any ideas?
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